Our next General Meeting is at 6:30 on Oct. 28th - Angola Beach Clubhouse
Our next General Meeting is at 6:30 on Oct. 28th - Angola Beach Clubhouse
Vice President Report: Jenine Amato
Since last general meeting:
April 25:
Recruited Erin Lee to help with stats needed by insurance agents for manufactured home insurance. Once stats are submitted, I will have an update.
April 30:
Follow up with DSHA about DHTF (Disaster Housing Task Force). DMHOA will participate, Myself and PJ will attend 2nd meeting on June 4th in the Delaware State Fire School. We will take A LOT of notes and update.
May 15:
Went to Dover with Rick and PJ: went before House with HB372; went well. Rick and PJ will update with full details.
June 13th:
All invited to a FREE Seminar Hosted by ABE CERT and DMHOA on Personal & Home Security and Fraud in ABE Clubhouse 6 pm-7:30 pm. Instructor will be Troop 7 Community Outreach Officer
Corporal Patrick Jackson. A flyer will be posted on DMHOA's FB page and emailed, please send out to your HOAs.
Comments/FYI from VP:
*We MUST find a treasurer and a Secretary to continue our work with DMHOA to help protect the rights of all of us in Manufactured Homes on Leased Land.*
Facebook posts are now DMHOA-oriented. Please, keep in mind when you post on the page, it pushes other posts down. Post with DMHOA important dates, bills going to the floor, fundraising, special HOA and or DMHOA activities. Please friend our Facebook page and share it with your communities. Social Media is free and quick advertising for the good that DMHOA does and will help with the search for a Treasurer and Secretary. I shared the page with my community and within 2 hours. we grew by 22 new FB members.
Facebook page is: Delaware Manufactured Homeowners Association
Thank you all for coming!
Secretary Report/Minute Notes from April General Meeting
Angola Beach and Estates - 6:35pm
Special Guest - DEMHRA New Board Chair - Cancelled
Treasurer Report: Presented by Tom; as seen. Motion to accept as seen - All accepted.
Secretary Report: from Jenine, as written. Motion to accept: Stacy, Rich second, all accepted.
Fundraising Report: Ron
Flags $15. Boat Tour Tickets for sale - 3 for $10 or $5 each. Great buy, fun tour!
Grants: Vinnie
Applying for Chick-fil-A granted.
New Board chair had to cancel as guest speaker, will reschedule.
News Media: NO UPDATE
Webmaster: NO UPDATE
Executive Director Report : Stacy
- Pictures for annual inspections
Legislative Commitee Report: PJ and Stacy
Bills to follow:
President Report: Rick
See Executive Director's and Legislative Report, will be meeting with landowners and traveling to
Vice President Report: Jenine
Working with two private DE insurance agents to create insurance for Manufactured Home
Owners on Leased Land. They are doing this for free and will do their best to find an
underwriter.Will update as more info is known
Working with DE Housing Authority to create an Emergency Housing Plan for DE, will update with
more info after second meeting in June
Old Business:
- need treasurer - current treasurer is moving out of manufactured home
New Business:
- looking for guest speakers
Q- Member asked for clarification on responsibility of utilty connection
A- HB372 - maintenance bill, trying for connection to home is where homeowner starts
responsibility, before connection is landowner's
***50/50 winner - Tom Simonelli (treasurer) ***
Meeting Adjourned motion by Stacy accepted by Jenine, Second by Rich. 8:15 pm.
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