Guest Speaker: Trinidad Navarro
Insurance: Contact the Delaware Medical Assistance Bureau via email at . They help people every year with questions about Medicare. Will meet with you one on one, very personal. As you age, the cost of Medicare increases.
Homeowner's insurance: Robbin Timmons is not on the radar, which is beneficial. He does not know “them” but sees that they are offering plans. Nationwide left us. Windsor Mt Joy offers insurance for manufactured homes in our area. Fair Program – “your last option.” If you have more than two claims in a three-year period, your insurance company may not renew your policy. It is better to pay it off yourself, if you can, instead of going through insurance. Phone 302-674-7300/7305 direct to office. Last year alone, there was $308 billion in insurance fraud in the United States. There are some companies that will not write policies within certain proximity to the coast. It is the insurance company’s prerogative. They cannot terminate your coverage, but they can choose not to renew your policy. Recourse is to call their office. It's a bad idea to deregulate insurance.
Call Meeting to Order – 44 in person / 9 online (8 + DMHOA)
Executive Director Report: see executive director’s report.
Treasurer Report: see treasurer’s report. Accepted as written subject to audit by Jerry, 2nd by Rich.
Secretary Report: Excited to learn about the new technology that was in the VP’s Christmas stocking. Will reengage with local news outlets to socialize DMHOA’s objectives/services.
Fund Raising Report: Socializing for a new fundraising chair. Ron has been in service for 15+ years. He will continue to sell the flags.
Grants Report: See Grant’s report. We will go live with the flyer on FB and via DMHOA website. Will distribute flyers at our next general meeting.
DEMHRA Report: See DEMHRA’s report.
News Media Report - The Insurance Commission will be attending the General Membership Meeting
Legislative Committee Report: See legislative committee’s report.
President Updates/Report: 200 more manufactured homes on the top side of Angola by the Bay. 18Mar, 21Oct – HOA presidents meeting (HOA president and officers) at Mariner’s Cove.
Vice President Updates/Report:
Affordable Housing Committee Report:
Old Business:
By-law committee meeting date
New Business:
Additional Information regarding legislation:
Notes from last board meeting and Anthony joining us:
Old SB310 – Hoffner – Lease Transfer Bill – John will be working with Hoffner on the bill. Anthony will be continue to write and update the bill. Board agreed to support John’s decision and guidance with this bill.
Focus: Easy transfer of lease upon the death of the owner, removing the 1%.
Possible change – 10% premium, if prospective buyer is rejected community owner must buy it.
Old HB372 – Maintenance Bill – undergound lines – only change – remove the words "distribution point." Maintain all water, electrical, plumbing, gas, sewer, septic, and other utilities and services provided by 36 the landlord, up to the connection to the home distribution point, in good working order, repairing these utilities 37 and services within the earlier of 48 hours after written notification of a utility or service problem, or as soon 38 thereafter as is practicable if a repair within 48 hours is not practicable
Lot Rent Justification
Increase Attorney Fund
Anthony suggested $1.00 increase, so $1.50. Due to inflation, 50 cent increase is not enough.
Hoffner is very busy but Rick talked to Jeff and he said he would help us with this.
Suggested changes by Rich but if in agreement, change it too $1.00.
d. Beginning on December 11, 2019, 50 cents of the tenant portion of the monthly assessment for each rented lot is redirected to the Delaware Manufactured Home Owner Attorney Fund under §7046 of this title.
e. 1. Beginning 60 days after the enactment of this Bill, the tenant portion of the monthly assessment for each rented lot will be increased by 50 cents and directed to the Delaware Manufactured Home Owner Attorney Fund, under §7046ofthistitle, by the Department of Finance-Division of Revenue.
2. Upon enactment of this Bill, the Authority will notify the landlords of the 50 cents increase to their tenant’s assessment.
(2) a.The monthly assessment set under this subsection must be paid as follows:
1.The tenant’s portion of the monthly assessment under paragraph (g)(1)d and (g)(1)e of this section is the obligation of the tenant of the rented lot.
Legislation Notes from Stacy:
Lot Rent Justification - 317 will sunset July 1 2027
Cons: Percent increases each year under 317, the fact that they can increase it above the formula calculation due to landowner insurance and tax increases.
Pros: Better protection against landowners moving to market rent, capital improvements can not be added
Question: Why do they get 3 ½ percent + CPI-U plus increase for taxes, property taxes, utility charges and insurance costs?
7052: Did include: One or more of the following factors may justify the increase of rent in an amount greater than the CPI-U.
1. Completion of and cost of capital improvements.
2. Changes in property taxes or other taxes
3. Changes in utility charges
4. Changes in in insurance
5. Changes in reasonable operating and maintenance expenses
6. Need for repairs caused by circumstances other than ordinary wear and tear
7. Market rent
8. Amount of rental assistance provided by the community owner to the homeowners.
7052B: Rent increase; justified additional rent increase for allowed expenses
a. Taxes
b. Insurance
c. Utility charges or service
d. Onsite employee costs
Increase Attorney Fund
Additional Concern regarding Section 7041-7042 Aside from Rich, who is one person representing the residents, how can we have more influence? Should we attend meetings when we know Rich is presenting important information on our behalf?
DMHOA has indicated that the amount given to residents when a home can not be relocated should be increased.
Current code:
7043: a)The tenant is entitled to the maximum relocation payment, established by the board.
2) The amount of compensation as determined by a Board-approved, certified manufactured home appraiser, is the fair market value of the home as sited and any existing appurtenances, but excludes the value of the land. However, the amount of compensation may not exceed an amount set by the Board and which may be adjusted from time to time by the Board.
50/50 winner: [ inaudible ]
Motion to close: 2026L PJ motion, Jerry second.
Motion adjourned
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